NWMN Bible Quiz 24|25 Season Info:
Welcome to Bible Quiz in the Pacific Northwest and specifically Washington State and Northern Idaho. Our Oregon friends are welcome to join us for any of the league meets. Here you will find the 24|25 Season's Schedule, and other important links to help you coach your team.
Feel free to text Richie at 253-232-9995 for more information.
Check out our JBQ Promo Video:
This Promo video is part of a larger documentary movie making project that is in development. We believe this documentary will catapult Biblequiz to thousands of more families leaving a lasting impact on an entire generation. If you would like to support the project click the link below:
Aug 23-24 Kickoff Convention
Sep 28 JBQ IceBreaker | 5 Weeks of Prep
JBQ-Group 3 Questions
Oct 26 JBQ/TBQ League 1 | 4 Weeks of Prep
JBQ-Group 4 (A Level-Groups 3 & 4)
TBQ-Championship Acts 1-5 | Contender Acts 1-4 | XP5 Acts 2
Dec 7th JBQ/TBQ League 2 | 6 Weeks of Prep
JBQ-Group 5 (A Level-Groups 3-5)
TBQ-Championship Acts 6-9 | Contender Acts 5-7 | XP5 Acts 4
Jan 18th JBQ/TBQ League 3 | 6 Weeks of Prep
JBQ Group 1 (A Level Groups 1 & 3-5)
TBQ-Championship Acts 10-13 | Contender Acts 8-9:19 | XP5 Acts 5
Feb 22nd JBQ/TBQ League 4 | 5 Weeks
JBQ Group 2 (A Level-All Questions)
TBQ Championship Acts 14-17 | Contender Acts 9:20-10 | XP5 Acts 9
Mar 28-29 JBQ/TBQ DF | 5 Weeks
JBQ Groups 2 & 3 (A Level-All Questions)
TBQ Championship Acts 1-17 | Contender Acts 1-10 | XP5 ???
Apr 11-12 TBQ Emerald City Tournament–Championship Only
Acts 1-17 Regional–National Level difficulty
May 2-3 (Or April 25-26) JBQ/TBQ Regional Finals | 5 Weeks of Prep
JBQ A Level Only–All Questions
TBQ Championship Acts 1-17 | Contender Acts 1-10
May 31? JBQ Pre-Nationals Scrimmage Day
Important Details for TBQ's Championship and Contender Divisions the New Material for each competition is weighted 75%-New / 25%-Old. For example, for Contender at League 2 each set will have 15 questions from Acts 5-7 and 5 questions from Acts 1-4. However, XP5 will have no review questions. Also, at the TBQ League Meets there will be 2 "Application Questions" per set. The application questions are provided in the Digital Bundle.
In JBQ The A division will add the new questions and will have equal weighting. In B and C divisions there will be no review of the previous groups of questions (except Network Finals (DF), which will cover the first and last groups of questions studied for this year-Groups 3&2)​.
More on Junior Bible Quiz
This Season we will be dividing into 3 different levels of difficulty for teams. The A, B, and C.​
See this Chart for more details about Levels of Quiz:

There are Factpaks formatted as books and as flashcards. The books not only have the questions arranged in numerical order but also in alphabetical order, which can help with hit speed. I use flash cards one box for each of my sons, and the book I use as a reference to help with interruption speed. The cards you can shuffle to randomize.
Buzz Boxes
Official TBQ Scripture Portions
Other TBQ Scripture Portions
TBQ Practice Questions
I would purchase the digital bundle which has all of the others grouped together.